concurrent.el API


Function cc:thread wait-time-msec &rest body
Return a thread object.


Function cc:generator callback &rest body
Create a generator object. If BODY has `yield' symbols, it
means calling callback function CALLBACK.


Function cc:semaphore-create permits-num
Return a semaphore object with PERMITS-NUM permissions.
Function cc:semaphore-acquire semaphore
Acquire an execution permission and return deferred object to chain.
If this semaphore object has permissions, the subsequent deferred
task is executed immediately.  If this semaphore object has no
permissions, the subsequent deferred task is blocked. After the
permission is returned, the task is executed.
Function cc:semaphore-release semaphore
Release an execution permission. The programmer is responsible to return the permissions.
Function cc:semaphore-with semaphore body-func &optional error-func
Execute the task BODY-FUNC asynchronously with the semaphore block.
Function cc:semaphore-release-all semaphore
Release all permissions for resetting the semaphore object.
If the semaphore object has some blocked tasks, this function
return a list of the tasks and clear the list of the blocked
tasks in the semaphore object.
Function cc:semaphore-interrupt-all semaphore
Clear the list of the blocked tasks in the semaphore and return a deferred object to chain.
This function is used for the interruption cases.


Function cc:signal-channel &optional name parent-channel
Create a channel. 
NAME is a channel name for debug.
PARENT-CHANNEL is an upstream channel. The observers of this channel can receive the upstream signals. 
In the case of using the function `cc:signal-send', the observers of the upstream channel can not receive the signals of this channel. The function `cc:signal-send-global' can send a signal to the upstream channels from the downstream channels.
Function cc:signal-connect channel event-sym &optional callback
Append an observer for EVENT-SYM of CHANNEL and return a deferred object.
If EVENT-SYM is `t', the observer receives all signals of the channel.
If CALLBACK function is given, the deferred object executes the
CALLBACK function asynchronously. One can connect subsequent
tasks to the returned deferred object.
Function cc:signal-send channel event-sym &rest args
Send a signal to CHANNEL. If ARGS values are given, observers can get the values by following code: (lambda (event) (destructuring-bind (event-sym (args)) event ... )). 
Function cc:signal-send-global channel event-sym &rest args
Send a signal to the most upstream channel. 
Function cc:signal-disconnect channel deferred
Remove the observer object DEFERRED from CHANNEL and return
the removed deferred object. 
Function cc:signal-disconnect-all channel
Remove all observers.


Function cc:dataflow-environment &optional parent-env test-func channel
Create a dataflow environment.
PARENT-ENV is the default environment. If this environment doesn't have the entry A and the parent one has the entry A, this environment can return the entry A. One can override the entry, setting another entry A to this environment.
TEST-FUNC is a test function that compares the entry keys. The default function is `equal'.
CHANNEL is a channel object that sends signals of variable events. Observers can receive following signals:

    the fist referrer is waiting for binding
    another referrer is waiting for binding
    a value is bound
    returned a bound value
    cleared one entry
    cleared all entries
Function cc:dataflow-get df key
Return a deferred object that can refer the value which is indicated by KEY.
If DF has the entry that bound value, the subsequent deferred task is executed immediately.
If not, the task is deferred till a value is bound.
Function cc:dataflow-get-sync df key
Return the value which is indicated by KEY synchronously.
If the environment DF doesn't have an entry of KEY, this function returns nil.
Function cc:dataflow-set df key value
Bind the VALUE to KEY in the environment DF.
If DF already has the bound entry of KEY, this function throws an error signal.
VALUE can be nil as a value.
Function cc:dataflow-clear df key
Clear the entry which is indicated by KEY.
This function does nothing for the waiting deferred objects.
Function cc:dataflow-get-avalable-pairs df
Return an available key-value alist in the environment DF and the parent ones.
Function cc:dataflow-get-waiting-keys df
Return a list of keys which have waiting deferred objects in the environment DF and the parent ones.
Function cc:dataflow-clear-all df
Clear all entries in the environment DF. 
This function does nothing for the waiting deferred objects.
Function cc:dataflow-connect df event-sym &optional callback
Append an observer for EVENT-SYM of the channel of DF and return a deferred object.
See the docstring of `cc:dataflow-environment' for details.